The 5th P: How social media has added People to the mix
Made to Engage
Do You Trust This Face?
Does the Internet Make You Dumber?
Does the Internet Make You Smarter?
Secret of Engaging Customers in
Online Communities
The internet has provided unfettered access to information,
both good and bad. How individuals or firms leverage this information to their
advantage essentially drives the final outcome(s). The internet and social
media, for the first time have provided firms an unprecedented access into a
customer’s mind- his likes and dislikes, needs and wants and finally his/her perceived
value of a service/product. Firms in the past, spend millions in market
research, product testing, segmentation, now have access to similar information
and that too real-time through social media channels. Firms having spent decades
working on the traditional marketing equation of 4Ps- Product, Place, Price and
Promotion with little or no interaction with the 5th P- People are
now forced to rethink. The internet and social media has flipped this equation
to let People be the driving force. Twitter, Facebook and Amazon provide a
conduit for customers to praise or vent about a product helping form instant
opinions about a firm’s product that are hard to erase. However, the upside for
the firms is the ability to better segment the markets, refine their offerings
and customize their products as needed in collaboration with the people who
want it. Days of “Any color so long as it’s black” are long gone. The access to
information is eroding the advantage firms had in the past- trying to sell the
same product at different price points, offering products that are perceived to
have “advanced” or “new” features and finally resorting to advertising gimmicks.
Now potential customers have access to price information of the product and its
competitors in the different channels and locations. Have detailed reviews of
product features by real customers and don’t pay any attention to traditional
media advertisements.
Has the internet made us smarter or dumber? Can we really
pass judgment this soon on its impact? To me, internet is a tool- how you use
it drives what you derive from it. The same internet that has given us Wikipedia,
GNU and a collaborative search for cure to major diseases also gave us cyber
stalking, pornography and the silk route. IS that to say all internet is good
or all internet is bad- of-course not. As with any invention, the good come
with the bad. Having a Facebook to connect with friends/ family and express
opinions comes with all the associated privacy concerns and identity thefts. I
am sure similar concerns were raised regarding children’s grades when the
television became popular ( ,
did that keep its influence from growing? However, over time people realized
the need to recalibrate and use it to our benefit.
The internet and social media has shortened the news cycle,
redefined how we get our news and information about everything. It gives firms
a unique ability to learn, cater, collaborate, influence and watch real-time
how their customers react and use their products. It is hard to ignore the
irony in this strip by Scott Adams on how social media and the internet have
affected the way we do business and how it still is a quite a confusing
landscape to navigate.
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